In first approval of central funds for Uttar Pradesh, the Narendra Modi government has cleared Rs 707.79 crore for projects under Bundelkhand Package, which was started by the previous UPA government for the region to deal with its drought situation.
The Centre will provide Additional Central Assistance (ACA) of Rs 657.59 crore under the package while the UP government will provide its share of Rs 36.80 crore .
Among the approved projects, a major emphasis is on land development and water resources with maximum ACA of Rs 453.10 crore.
Installation of solar pumps are also a priority with Rs 40 crore sanctioned by the central government. Another Rs 150.26 crore will be utilised for providing irrigation water in 15 villages of Babina block of Jhansi district.
The central government has approved development of canal system in eight places under the package. The places are Maudha, Lahchura Weir, Barua, Jamini, Saprar Ranipur, Sajnam, Chillimal and Ohan canal system.
Among them, Lahchura Weir canal system will cost Rs 106.72 crore, Jamini canal system is worth Rs 103.28 crore and Maudha dam canal system Rs 94.42 crore.
The central government has also given preference to horticulture projects in the region. A sum of Rs five crore will be spent on development of a local fruit variety, Rs 6.30 crore for establishment of a horticulture estate, Rs 2.45 crore for setting up a nutritional garden and Rs 12.25 crore for development of a vegetable patti.
The Congress-led UPA government in 2009-10 had formed a special package for Bundelkhand region to tackle with the drought situation of the area. The total outlay was initially Rs 7,266 crore comprising Rs 3,506 crore for UP and Rs 3,760 crore for Madhya Pradesh, to be implemented over a period of three years starting 2009-10. Later, the Bundelkhand Package was given extension till 2017.
Source - Press Informatoin Bureau , Gov of India