Dashavatar Temple

The dasavatar temple is also known as The Visnu Temple . Here the meaning of dashavatar is ten incarnetion . This temple is situated at Deogharh in Uttar Pradesh of central India . This temple is one of the earliast Hindu temples made by stone and still surviving today . These are built in the Gupta Period , 320 to c. 600 AD . Vishnu Temple shows the ornate and beauty seen  which are used by Gupta Dynasty .
One can easily examine Gupta Style Sculptures and art as this is a good source .
The "Gupta Temple", dedicated to god Vishnu, was first discovered by Captain Charles Strahan. It was given its name by the archaeologist, Cunnigham. Archaeologists have inferred that it is the earliest known Panchayatana temple in North India. And this Temple is called Dashavatar Temple by the archaeologist Cunningham .